What Degrees Are Available at Colleges in Manassas Park, Virginia?

Manassas Park, Virginia is a city with a population of 14,273 and is located within a 100-mile radius of 23 community or first-tier colleges. Northern Virginia Community College is an institutionally accredited two-year school where most students attend classes part-time. Earning a college degree from an institutionally accredited university is one of the best ways to ensure that your education is of high quality. Northern Virginia Community College offers a variety of programs, training, certifications, and workforce development for students.

Franklin offers more than 50 online bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in the Manassas, Virginia area. The career guide to the 26 best adult universities provides a breakdown of the universities serving Manassas, with details on cost, tuition, type of students and degree offerings. In total, there are at least 11 schools serving the area, including 9 private schools and universities, 1 public college or university, and 1 community college offering 2-year degrees. At these institutions, 26,514 students were enrolled in undergraduate programs and about 9,934 degrees had been completed at public universities near Manassas.

The closest community college is Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, at a distance of 12.3 miles from Manassas Park. For those looking to pursue higher education in Manassas Park, Virginia, there are many options available. From two-year associate degrees to online bachelor's and master's degrees, there are plenty of opportunities for students to gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their chosen field.